“GLOBAL ENVIRO LEGAL SERVICES FOUNDATION” (GELSEF) (Reg. No. Maha.2336/2010/Pune) is an organization registered under Maharashtra Societies Registration Act 1860. It strives to develop Toal Environment Management (TEM) systems for the target areas/institutions.

The objectives and related broad action points for GELSEF are:

1.    To act in the fields of, work as knowledge hub for, and take up within the overall framework of peoples and ecosystems, the following issues:

  •   Forest and wildlife Management, laws and forensics.
  •   Bio diversity management including Zoos and Botanical gardens.
  •   Trade in wild flora and fauna and their implication on conservation.
  •   Climate change, pollution and waste management, mining activities, and rivers.
  •    Water bodies management, wetland management, protected Area management,
  •    Medicinal plants and various ecosystems conservation.
  •    Propagate International Environmental Conventions, in particular the CITES

2.   To take steps for and support, promotion of new ideas, technology, and skills with reference to the subjects mentioned above.
3.   To proactively organize and promote local community’s as well as civil society’s role and participation in natural resource management.
4.  To mentor and advice young law professional and naturalists/nature conservationists though organization of capacity building activities; offer internships; establish scholarship etc.
5.   To proactively assist/facilitate appropriate mechanisms for conflict resolution in the subjects mentioned above.
6.   To conduct/evaluate/audit field projects/programs/outcomes/impacts in the fields mentioned above.
7.   To print, publish and distribute journals, periodicals, books, leaflets and pictures; make, distribute and exhibit films on environment and conservation themes.

